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  • REWIND + PLAY, An Anthology of Early British Video Art

    REWIND + PLAY presents a selection of key works from the first decade of artist’s video practice in the UK. From early conceptual experiments exploring the parameters of the medium to works dealing with media culture and television this collection explores the range and diversity of the first years of video as new media.


    Promedio: 4.1 (9 votos)


    30.00 GBP


  • Oskar Fischinger - Ten films

    Center for Visual Music presents the first in a series of DVD releases: Oskar Fischinger: Ten Films. This long-awaited DVD contains ten of Fischinger's classic Visual Music films plus many Special Features.


    Promedio: 4.1 (12 votos)


    30.00 USD


  • Claudio Caldini: Experimental Films 1975-1982

    "Caldini emphasizes the idea of cinema as an activity of absolutely direct vision—an idea that, far from reclaimed by certain realist agendas, has always been, consciously or not, at the heart of the avant-garde."

    "Anyone who has seen Caldini in action can confirm that his work environment privileges calm over agitation and reflection over continuous action. His body of work, based on anti-despair, appears eternal, dematerialized, and transcendent in the sense that its virtues and its beauty seem to reach far and beyond, and it seems to have existed since the beginning of time."


    Promedio: 4.1 (14 votos)


    79.95 USD


  • Malcolm Le Grice - Afterimages 1

    Malcolm Le Grice is one of the central figures in British experimental film and video. He has been making work since the mid-1960s which has continued to be exhibited internationally, including recent screenings at both Tate Modern and Tate Britain. He is currently a professor at the University of the Arts London, and is the author of several books including Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age (2001).


    Promedio: 4 (10 votos)


    20.00 GBP


  • Visual Music 1947-1986 from the CVM Archive

    Thirteen rare films featuring pre-computer abstraction, using a variety of techniques including early oscilloscope experiments, color organs, hand-drawn sound, animation drawn directly on film, painted scrolls, and optical printing. Films from the archive of Center for Visual Music.


    Promedio: 4 (7 votos)


    30 USD


  • Marie Menken - Visual Variations

    In Visual Variations the spectator is exposed to a wide variety of Marie Menken's works, works that prove eclectic in their structure as well as in their content.


    Promedio: 4 (7 votos)


    19,90 EUR


  • Hilary Harris - The Films of Hilary Harris

    “Hilary is unquestionably one of the most original and talented filmmakers of the American independent cinema … he is in a class by himself, a master of his craft.”
    — Amos Vogel, founder of the NY Film Festival


    Promedio: 4 (6 votos)


    29.98 USD


  • Emmanuelle Nègre - 1448

    1448, by Emmanuelle Nègre
    03‘ 30‘‘
    35 mm Found Footage Digitized
    Sound: Paul Blackburn & Emmanuelle Nègre

    This film is a short animation made from 1448 found photograms.


    Promedio: 4 (5 votos)


    20 EUR


  • Guy Sherwin - Optical Sound Films (1971/2007)

    Optical Sound Films collects the ongoing work and research of Guy Sherwin, one of the pre-eminent British film artists of the last 40 years in a unique artist’s book and DVD publication.


    Promedio: 4 (5 votos)


    20.00 GBP


  • Adolpho Arrietta - Complete Works

    From his early short films shot in Madrid in the 1960s, his first features made in Paris in the 1970s, his critically acclaimed Flammes (re-released in Paris this Spring by Capricci), his later, more ambitious yet rarely seen features of the 1980s Grenouilles and Merlin, to his recent personal essays shot in digital, the work of Adolpho Arrietta spans a multitude of styles and themes, yet offers a singular grace, a poetic sensibility and a refreshingly keen eye for composition, rhythm and character study.


    Promedio: 4 (5 votos)


    64 EUR



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