Videos on the net

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Also, please notice that internet videos are usually low-quality versions or not "final cuts" of the original works and therefore are not intended to actually substitute them.

  • Lawrence Jordan - Carabosse (1980)

    Animation, also of a new order in the recent series of short works. Mostly on black space, the figures in blue perform a very compact and jewel-like opera in surreal form, again to Satie's piano music.


    Average: 2.5 (4 votes)


  • Jonas Mekas talks about Underground Cinema

    Lecture by Jonas Mekas delivered at the Whitney Museum in 1992. 


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


  • Toshio Matsumoto - For The Damaged Right Eye (1963)

    A dual-lobed, split-screen montage charting the unrest, sexuality and pop-culture of the late 1960’s. Sexual topography, typography and riot police coupled with grooving heads and the intermittent overlay of grid-breaking sequences of film and imagery constitute the bulk of (it). Both FtDRE and Ectasis paved the way for, and were eventually incorporated into Matsumoto’s 1969 film, Funeral Parade of Roses.


    Average: 2.8 (12 votes)


  • Toshio Matsumoto - The Song Of Stone (1963)

    songofstone.jpgWhile extracting and polishing their blocks of stone, stonecutters used to say “the stone is coming to life". This paradox provided Matsumoto with the best metaphor for what making a film is all about. In his opinion, filmmakers work images in the same way that stonecutters work stones.


    Average: 2.7 (3 votes)


  • Toshio Matsumoto - Andy Warhol: Re-production (1974)

    A suitably non-sensical presentation of documentary footage about Andy Warhol's visit to Japan.


    Average: 2.7 (3 votes)


  • Maya Deren - Meditation On Violence (1948)

    In Meditation on Violence (1948) Deren's
    camera is motivated by the movement of the performer, Chao Li Chi. This
    film is marked by a lack of dynamism and mobility that we have come to
    expect from Deren's camera. It also obscures the distinction between
    violence and beauty. The shadows on the white wall behind Chi amplify
    the movement of the Wu Tang ritual. In Meditation on Violence Deren
    experiments with film time, reversing the film part way through
    producing a loop. Exhibited forwards and then backwards, the difference
    in the Wu Tang movements is almost imperceptible.


    Average: 3.1 (14 votes)


  • Maya Deren - At land (1944)

    In this film Deren is a creature from the sea crawling into cramped, claustrophobic society, her mermaid-out-of-water slithering among we


    Average: 3.5 (4 votes)


  • Maya Deren - Meshes of the afternoon (1943)

    Meshes of the Afternoon is one of the most influential works in American experimental cinema.


    Average: 2.5 (2 votes)


  • Joris Ivens - Regen (1929)

    A day in the life of a rain-shower. As a city symphony Joris Ivens films Amsterdam and its changing appearence during a rain-shower.


    Average: 3.3 (14 votes)


  • Maya Deren - Ritual in transfigured time (1946)

    Ritual In Transfigured Time (1946) silently follows Rita Christiani's perspective as she enters an apartment to find Maya Deren


    Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

