Light From Space #1 - "The Sun"

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Light From Space is a virtual platform for artists working with experimental processes to create moving and still images that portray light as an object. On the summer solstice (June 20th), we will be celebrating and thanking the Sun for its warmth and light. Submit experimental films and videos to be featured in a live screening, as well as hosted on the Light From Space website. Work must be submitted digitally, either a video or image file.

When I say “light from space” I am talking about the powerful, roaring center of our Solar System. The Sun gives us the warmth and the light that has allowed life to grow, all while keeping our planet and all of the rest spinning within its colossal gravitational force. The Sun’s core, bursting with nuclear reactions, converts around 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium per second through nuclear fusion. This radiation gives the Sun its warmth and light and takes between 10,000 and 170,000 years to reach the Sun’s surface! From there, it takes only 8 minutes and 20 seconds for this light to reach our planet. The sunlight that touched the Earth today was created between the time it is estimated humans began wearing clothes and the cultivation of barley and wheat in northern Mesopotamia. The sunlight born when the art of puppetry is thought to have originated won’t touch the earth’s surface for another 6,000 years at the very least!

Light From Space is here to celebrate artists cultivating this ancient energy to create work that transcends the ordinary. To exist is a lovely and delicate coincidence, and through making art we celebrate our bodies, our brains, and our universe. This is not a competitive event but rather a platform to showcase experimental moving image work and to celebrate our Sun. Don’t hesitate to submit even your craziest work, this is all for fun and we are looking for whatever you’ve got!


Thursday, June 10, 2021 (All day)

Exhibition dates: 

Sunday, June 20, 2021 (All day)

Contact Email: 

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