Tech Break - Call for Video Artists

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The PhotoPhore, proud partner of ADAF 2018, opens its call for artists TECH BREAK. We are searching for video-art works, short movies, digital and animation films, to include in our official selection for the 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival – ADAF 2018. The screening will be part of the festival programmed from May 2018 in Athens, Greece.

Deadline for submissions: March 28, 2018


The 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival exploring the unknown future of the upcoming Technological Apocalypse through art, science and technology, under the theme SINGULARITY NOW.

The PhotoPhore’s selection will be focused on the related concept of TECH BREAK.

TECH BREAK: One day there will be a Tech Break. A breaking point with the life and society as we know today. A breaking point with the current technology.

The Tech Break is a singularity in the evolution process of human kind. It’s the point in which something different and unexpected happens and changes the order of things.


We ask artists to present us their visions on the Tech Break; to show us the unexpected futures that await us after the Tech Break, and the premonitions about the world that will follow the one we live today: technology development, science evolution, human relationships.

To take part in the selection, please send us by email the following materials:
– video works (as a link or file in MPEG, MP4 or AVI format; in case of video file, please use and don’t attach the file in the email)
– filled submission form: click here
– CV

Submissions need to be sent to [email protected] by March 28, 2018.

Submission does not guarantee acceptance. Selected artists will receive the confirmation by email by the end of April 2018.

The selection is open to international artists and video makers. The participation in the selection and festival, for confirmed works, is completely for FREE.

For more information and to submit your works for the call, send an e-mail to [email protected]

Call for Video Artists: Tech Break
Official selection for ADAF 2018
Deadline: March 28, 2018

the PhotoPhore
[email protected]


Wednesday, March 28, 2018 (All day)

Exhibition dates: 

Saturday, May 26, 2018 (All day)

Contact Email: 

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