Wide Open Film Festival Submissions Open

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Wide Open Experimental Film Festival (W.O.E.F.F.) is a first-year festival organized by the students of Alternative Cinema in the Film Department at Oklahoma City University. Inspired by Oklahoma’s wide-open landscape, we want to showcase experimental films that will open peoples’ eyes to the alternative forms, structures, and styles of film.

Be Risky! Think outside the box! We want films that break boundaries and challenge the traditional perception of film. Submit things you’re afraid to show others.


Our primary goal is to highlight experimental films. If your film is a traditional narrative, you should find another festival. We’re looking for anything that fits the broad, diverse definitions of experimental or avant-garde cinema, from lyrical to collage to structural to expanded cinema. Your film might include visual experimentation, it might be process-oriented, it might provoke visceral reactions. If it’s thought-provoking, mind-boggling, and eye-opening, we’d love to see it.

W.O.E.F.F. will take place in person in Oklahoma City, Spring 2022. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to pay screening or travel fees to filmmakers.

  • No entry fee! Submission is free of charge!
  • Limit 3 entries per filmmaker.
  • Submissions will only be accepted through FilmFreeway. At this time, we are planning an all-digital screening; all films will be screened as .MOV files or, potentially, DCP.
  • Films under 25 minutes are strongly preferred; exceptions can be made in rare circumstances.
  • All films with dialogue or text must be in English or have English subtitles.
  • Submissions accepted worldwide; no restrictions on production date or premiere status.
  • Once accepted, submissions cannot be withdrawn.
  • By submitting, you grant Wide Open Experimental Film Festival (and Oklahoma City University) permission to use images from your film for promotional purposes.
  • If you have questions, you can contact the festival team at [email protected].


Tuesday, November 30, 2021 (All day)

Exhibition dates: 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 (All day)

Contact Email: 

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