Boris Lehman - Histoire de ma vie racontée par mes photographies


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Taking photos and making films are two ways of touching people. People have become the main subject of my collections. Collecting is much like an act of faith. It is a creative act, a chance to discover oneself, while at the same time participating in other's passions.

My photographs -and my films- seek out human contact, and they find it.

For several years now, I have been telling the story of my friends and of myself. You could say I'm working on a novel; a novel made up of photos, films, notebooks, drawings, postcards and countless other items, that I collect and amass in a spacious, yet fragile, museum of feelings and imagination.

This way of working involves selflessness (sacrifice?), encounters with others (love?) and tirelessly calling into question one's being and one's appearence.

For me, friendship has become a language. By being photographed or filmed, the friends may become, for a moment's time, stars. Their fame is ephemeral no doubt, but such is life.

Thus, ever since this lost paradise we are stubbornly trying to regain, we have sought to produce images and shadows out of the waves of light and sands of time; to believe in a form of magic that can create brief and transitory miracles.

DVD Boxset including a 192-page book edited by Yellow Now & Fondation Boris Lehman

Image gallery: 

Boris Lehman - Histoire de ma vie racontée par mes photographies
Boris Lehman - Histoire de ma vie racontée par mes photographies

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32 EUR


Publishing date: 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


210 min


1 DVD9




English, German





Aspect ratio: 




