16th Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinemas

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The 16th edition of the Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinemas will take place in Paris and nearby from the 11th until the 26th of October.  On top of the presentation the International Competition programs made out of a selection of 58 films from 25 countries, this edition will focus on the relations between music and experimental cinema.

We will have the great pleasure to welcome many filmmakers (Martha Colburn, Patrick Bokanowski, Patrice Kirchhofer, Robert Cahen, Xavier Christiaens,...) and musicians (Scorpion Violente, Magic Malik, Joana Preiss, Alexandre Yterce, Lionel Marchetti, HeadWar,...) who will intervene during 13 screenings, cine-concert, performances, installations and public discussions.

We will see surprising uses of sound materials within productions to discover and rediscover from the early days of cinema (Alice Guy, Geroges Demenÿn, Luis Buñuel…) up to the more contemporary experiences (Lis Rhodes, Stuart Sherman, Stanley Kubrick,...). It will also be the occasion to revisit some of the works of the 70’s most experimental figures such as filmed journals tinged by psychotropic perceptions (Pierre Clémenti, Étienne O’Leary, ….) or experienced undertaken at the Service de la Recheche lead by Pierre Schaeffer (Michèle Bokanowski, Piotr Kamler). Jazz music, electro acoustic, concreat and noise music, post-rock, rap… will overlap with film screenings in order to sensitize the audience to the combined pleasure generated by vision and hearing combined.

The official opening event is promising to be explosive thanks to the intervention of Martha Colburn, visual artist and author of many electrifying hallucinatory animations that one may describe as the unexpected crash between Hieronymus Bosch and the Monty Python mixed with Heinz sauce. She will be in charge of the screening this evening while Scorpion violente will ensure the musical side with their throbbing minimal electro punk and garage arrangements.

Finally, we will have the honour to welcome the Kolkata based filmmaker and musician Q for the closing event of this festival edition. He will present and intervene during the screening of his film Gandu-The loser (2010). The raugh punk-rap energy emerging from his world will surely dynamise this closing event.

Program and details on our website : www.cjcinema.org



Saturday, October 11, 2014 (All day) to Sunday, October 26, 2014 (All day)
