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Anonymous's picture

I've had a look around and I like the idea of what you're trying to achieve, but as I thought about adding some of the projects I have done or am working on I felt I couldn't because they are really installations.
Maybe if there was a place for these, although then there might be the problem of further categorisation, ie installation-film, installation-video.
I guess I'm wondering how you hoped it would work so for example did you envision say an super 8 installation involving 8 or so projectors being put under film.

Anonymous's picture

I've had a look around and I like the idea of what you're trying to achieve, but as I thought about adding some of the projects I have done or am working on I felt I couldn't because they are really installations.
Maybe if there was a place for these, although then there might be the problem of further categorisation, ie installation-film, installation-video.
I guess I'm wondering how you hoped it would work so for example did you envision say an super 8 installation involving 8 or so projectors being put under film.

Drew Burgess's picture

Ahh good point, I was actually wondering about if there was a way to set up a forum to accommodate the installation artist.
Due to the points you mentioned and others, it seems difficult to find an effective means of representing this work in isolation from the media which it utilises.
As is inevitably going to be the case with a site that encourages work to be put into categories, there is always going to be a vast amount of content that does not fit comfortably into any.
To refer back to your example of the installation with multi 8mm projections, I agree that it is extremely difficult, because - yes this would constitute being in the film category, yes it would constitute being in an installation category (if we were to set that up) and if you were to be presenting a visual documentation of one of your prior installations it could (arguably), be perceived as documentary also.

So how could we satisfactorily categorise a work like this, my feeling is we can't, no more than we can satisfactorily categorise a documentary piece that utilises film, video and animation.

I thought about including many different sub-categories in each forum, I thought about cross referencing the different submissions in a way similar to how the VideoEx festival selects different categorises in their program each year ( and this may prove to be worthwhile if this forum becomes as popular as I would like it to.

But for the time being, I want it to be the experimental, unorthodox approach, which is the real focal point of this forum, above any specifics regarding the literal form into which this approach manifests itself.
Ok I have created some initial categories, but I have tried to keep them as liberal and open to interpretation as possible, I think it best if these categories are treated as negotiable and open to creative interpretation, rather than rigid and strict. Of course this will not please the puritans who want there discipline to be represented precisely and it will not please those liberal thinkers who may wish everything to be completely open and have less categorisation than there is at present.

But it seems like it will be impossible to please everyone, in short what I want to encourage is for people to interpret and negotiate the categories creatively, but I am also sympathetic to the fact that a specific discipline may not be fairly represented (I feel with installation art for example, this may indeed be true).
But as for installation art specifically, as it is not really my area, I find it difficult to know how we could satisfactorily represent this discipline. If you have an idea or solution for this problem please let me know and we'll see how it works out.
Anyway thanks for posting your thoughts, and I am exited about seeing some examples of your work once a satisfactory forum to accommodate it has been realised.

Anonymous's picture

Belgian performance artist DDV has had the same problems, his work was never ment to be hanging in a museum or at an art galery.
So he found another way to exhibit his art : the internet.

Check out these links if you're interested.
:: Warning :: not all images are suitable for everybody...
But who said art should be easy and nice :twisted:


Anonymous's picture

My take on it is that there are no boundaries. But if it uses elements of a picticular visual form.
Some arts practice crosses over.
Installation would be good to disccuss and share this. After all there's good food for thought about the contexts work is placed in. Same as could do with a performance catergory as in VJ or simular.

Drew Burgess's picture

As you may have noticed I created a forum for installation artists, as many people requested this feature.
If anyone has ideas about a better way to present this feature, then don't be shy.
Also working on a similar forum for performance artists, again ideas about how to present this feature would be appreciated.
Have made a few other changes here and there, one is that I removed the Work in Progress folder, as after some consideration I thought there was not really any reason why work in progress should be isolated.

Anonymous's picture

Cheers Drew

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