Pitch your Short to Filmaka and if you win, BASF will give you $15,000 to direct a short film.

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john ronald's picture

15 Minute Pit Stops

In 2025, it will only take 15 minutes to recharge your car. In these circumstances, what would you do with those 15 minutes to recharge yourself while you recharge your car?
Send in your pitches for a 3 to 5 minute original short film that tells the story about a future where you have 15 minutes to yourself to do whatever you want while you wait for your car to recharge.

A total of 3 pitches will be chosen to make into short films. If your pitch is one of the winners, you will receive a production budget of $15,000 to produce and deliver your short film in three weeks.

Your pitch should be in English and include an original title, a written script, a concept explanation, a budget breakdown of your proposed 3 to 5 minute film, your biography, and links to your previous work. Bids may also include visuals such as story boards, mood boards, or sample images.

The finished films will be promoted through a paid social media campaign and live on BASF’s website.

Anonymous's picture
A short film I made in college on film


I shot this film back in 2008 and my senior year at SFSU. it was approved as my senior project so I traveled to Death Valley with a bolex h-16 and shot an experimental film on 16 mm. The title of the film is 'a distant form'. This is based on a short story I wrote in 2004. 

The premise of the film is a man seeing a vision of his own death in an abstract manner. 

It is an omage to silent film and western films. I was originally inspired to shoot in Death Valley by director Erich von Stroheim because of his masterpiece epic, Greed.

I also used in optical printer for some of the manual celluloid effects, please enjoy. The link is below.



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