Underground Worlds

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Call for Entries – Underground Worlds
Deadline 30th June 2011

Submissions are currently being sought for Underground Worlds, an evening of short film and video work which will take place at the Electric Palace Cinema in Hastings, U.K.

Taking inspiration from Hastings' underground network of caves this programme aims to focus on work that illuminates other secret or hidden places, be they real or imaginary. Applicants are free to interpret this broad theme however they like.

All types of film are being considered, including artist's film & video, experimental film, intimate documentaries and short fiction film.

Films should be 10 minutes or under (although some exceptions may be made).

Submissions are accepted on DVD PAL. Please also include a short synopsis or statement on the work, along with a list the film's prior screenings. Applicants are also welcome to include any additional supporting material deemed relevant.

Please send submissions to:

ATTN: Toby Tatum
The Electric Palace Cinema
39a High Street
East Sussex
TN34 3ER

U.K. applicants wishing to have material returned should be sure to include a S.A.E.

Queries and questions regarding this programme can be directed to [email protected]
