Ernie Gehr - Bon Voyage


Promedio: 3.8 (4 votos)

An extensive overview of the oeuvre of one of the masters of experimental cinema, including a complete chronology of the cineast's work and life as well as newly commissioned contributions by Andrea Bellini, Ken Eisenstein, John Hanhardt, and a visual essay by the artist.

Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève from January to April 2015.

Ernie Gehr (born 1941 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) is an experimental filmmaker closely associated with the Structural film movement of the 1970s. Among his most important works we can mention Serene Velocity (1970) and Side/Walk/Shuttle (1991). A self-taught artist, Gehr began making films in the 1960s and works since 2001 mainly with digital means, creating non-narrative works—sometimes jarring or disorientating, often meditative—that naturally raise questions about the physical world and human perception. His works is presented in significant collections, for instance at the MoMA since 1970.

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Queremos saber si eres humano



Andrea Bellini (ed.), texts by Andrea Bellini, Ken Eisenstein and John Hanhardt.


28 EUR



Fecha de publicación: 

Sábado, Febrero 14, 2015



