A Relational [Video] Grammar: Extrapolation


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A relational [video] grammar: extrapolation is an editing experiment that uses drawing and the addition/reconfiguration/obliteration of text to examine speech generated during the making of direct address to camera, within a context of artists’ film and video. a relational [video] grammar: extrapolation tests the conceptual relationships between linguistic and technological editing processes. The multiple layers of information within the pages of this publication contain narrative possibilities that engage with these editing processes on many levels, without the necessity of using the format of video beyond the recording of the speech.

Kate Pelling is a UK based artist whose research-led practice consists of video, drawing and text. She has exhibited her video work extensively in the UK and the USA, and also in Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Switzerland. a relational [video] grammar: extrapolation is the first publication to focus entirely on the drawing and text elements of her practice.

For further info please contact [email protected] or tweet @FifthFloorPubl

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Queremos saber si eres humano



Kate Pelling


12,49 GBP



Fecha de publicación: 

Jueves, Marzo 28, 2013



