The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer


Promedio: 4 (3 votos)

The Transformable Moment: The Films of Stephen Broomer, edited by Scott Birdwise and Tom McSorley, features new essays on Broomer’s work, a complete filmography, and an extensive interview with Broomer. Contributors include R. Bruce Elder, Dan Browne, Clint Enns, Zoë Heyn-Jones, Brett Kashmere, Scott Miller Berry, Cameron Moneo, Andréa Picard, and Michael Sicinksi.

“Having devoted his life to the art of cinema in his various capacities as a filmmaker, scholar, preservationist, and poet, Stephen Broomer is on his way to establishing himself among the most aesthetically and historically engaged experimental filmmakers in Canada. His practice is indeed ‘experimental’ in the best sense of the term: his films are imbued with a clear awareness of the great strengths and weaknesses of what was, the limitations and possibilities of what is, and the mystery and wonder of what could be.” Scott Birdwise, York University / Canadian Film Institute

“Stephen Broomer’s poetic, prismatic work launches Northrop Frye’s famous question ‘Where is here?’ into a luminous flow of landscape, memory, and audio-visual palimpsests of perception. Broomer’s impressive celluloid and digital works recalibrate Canada’s contemporary moving image cartography.” Tom McSorley, Executive Director, Canadian Film Institute

This book and other titles in the Canadian Film Institute’s monograph series are available for purchase through Aniboutique, the official festival shop of the Ottawa International Animation Festival –

For more information on the Canadian Film Institute’s monograph series, see

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R. Bruce Elder, Dan Browne, Clint Enns, Zoë Heyn-Jones, Brett Kashmere, Scott Miller Berry, Cameron Moneo, Andréa Picard, Michael Sicinksi, Scott Birdwise (ed.), Tom McSorley (ed.)


15 CAD



Fecha de publicación: 

Viernes, Diciembre 5, 2014



