13th Magmart | international videoart festival

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Promedio: 3.2 (6 votos)

The international call for the 13th edition of Magmart | international videoart festival is open, and as always we would be happy to register your participation.

This 13th edition precedes that of the twentieth anniversary, which will take place in 2024/25. Precisely in view of our twenty years of festival, for which we are already thinking at a very special edition, the current edition will in turn be more important than usual, and will be concluded with a series of events that will take place between March and April 2024, in various places in the city of Naples - home of our festival. Among these, we also plan to organize the full screening of all the submitted videos.

The deadline for sending the works (up to a maximum of five for each artist) is set for March 26, 2023, within 24.00. The rules of the festival are always the same, and can be consulted on this page of our official website, at the bottom of which there is the link to the participation form.
I sincerely hope to be able to see your latest works among those that will participate in the festival!

Read the rules and submit your video(s): https://www.magmart.it/rules.php

See you soon then!

Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Marzo 26, 2023 (Todo el día)

Submission fees: 

Convocatoria gratuita

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Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Marzo 26, 2023 (Todo el día)