Call for New Media, Film, and Video: Frame & Frequency V

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Promedio: 4.3 (4 votos)

Frame & Frequency is an ongoing International Video Art Screening Series presented by VisArts that highlights artists whose new media, experimental film, and video works explore contemporary visual culture, and presents an intimate panorama of the variety and breadth of video art in artistic practice today

Video, sound art (up to 8 channels), film, and new media work will be accepted: experimental, documentary, animation, narrative, non-narrative, multimedia, virtual reality, augmented reality, net art, interactive media, etc.

All foreign language moving image artworks must have English subtitles.

Deadline for submissions is June 7, 2019

Apply here:

Submission specifications:

Video/Sound Art: You may submit up to 3 works. Videos must be in .mp4 file format. Maximum length of 15 minutes. Sound Art files can be either.mp3 or .wav format. Upload files below through our online platform or provide Vimeo links for video previews.

  • Resume/CV
  • Artist Bio (100 word max.)
  • Artist Statement (100 words max.)
  • $5 application fee

About VisArts
Transforming individuals and communities through the visual arts. From our beginning in 1987 as Rockville Arts Place operating in a converted garage to our current contemporary, state of the art facility in Rockville Town Square, VisArts has served local residents, students, art lovers, professional artists and others with an interest in the arts. Each year, VisArts welcomes more than 30,000 visitors through our doors to visit one of our four galleries, observe our studio artists on our second floor Artist Concourse, or to participate in art education classes, camp programs, and special events.

For previous projects please visit:

Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Junio 7, 2019 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

Viernes, Junio 14, 2019 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Junio 7, 2019 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

Viernes, Junio 14, 2019 (Todo el día)