Spectral Film Festival 2020

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Promedio: 3.1 (9 votos)

The Spectral Film Festival believes deeply in the capacity of filmmaking to embody individual and collective voices. Innate to its character, this festival seeks to celebrate unconventional forms of expression through experimental, avant-garde, and underground works. We are looking for short-form cinematic pieces that permeate the boundaries of texture, intimacy, and hybridity; those that are unnerving, immersive, expository, and are as daring as they ask their viewer to be in redefining what is accepted as fact.

The Spectral Film Festival is an expansion of the Spectral Microcinema, which has been hosting screenings and celebrating handmade films in the underground, experimental, and avant-garde tradition since 2016.

Submit your work to the festival through FilmFreeway by January 19th 2020

Selections/Notifications by Febuary 29th 2020

Spectral Film Festival will take place in Stevens Point, WI, from April 2-4th 2020

Rules & Terms

▪ Filmmakers may submit up to two films in total. Maximum runtime is 20 minutes for each film/video.

▪ To be considered, filmmakers are required to fill out a completed application via FilmFreeway.
▪ The festival only accepts online submission links for preview (Vimeo, Youtube, etc.) Links may be private or public.  
▪ All films/videos submitted must be fully completed. Works in progress will not be considered. 
▪ Submissions must be independently produced and the maker retains complete editorial control and copyright. 
▪ Submission of an entry indicates acceptance of all regulations, guarantee that a screening copy in the format specified will be made available for the dates of the event, and authorization to publicly exhibit the work at the Spectral Film Festival. 
▪ Submission of entry grants Spectral Film Festival use of materials and images related to the project for the marketing purposes of Spectral Film Festival. 

▪ Accepted screening formats are Apple ProRes HQ422, h264, or 16mm print. 
▪ Films/videos with dialogue in a language other than English must have English subtitles. 
▪ The party responsible for sending film materials bears the cost of transporting selected films. The festival incurs the cost of the films return. If sent via mail, the sender must provide the festival with necessary information regarding its return (date needed by/address/phone number). International parcels should be marked ‘For Cultural Purposes Only/No Commercial Value'.
▪ The festival cannot provide transportation or lodging accommodations at this time.

Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Enero 19, 2020 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Jueves, Abril 2, 2020 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Abril 4, 2020 (Todo el día)

Email de contacto: 

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Queremos saber si eres humano

Fecha límite: 

Domingo, Enero 19, 2020 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Jueves, Abril 2, 2020 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Abril 4, 2020 (Todo el día)