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  • Teoría del VJing

    En el contexto de los nuevos medias y la cultura del remix, ubicado en un paisaje esculpido por los procesos de participación e interactividad, intermedialidad e interdisciplinariedad, hiperrealidad y realidad ampliada, surge el VJing como dispositivo dir


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    16.50 EUR


  • Stan VanDerBeek: The Culture Intercom

    American independent filmmaker Stan VanDerBeek (1927-1984) was one of the first to extend film projection into multimedia spectacle and to embrace video and computer technology: a supreme instance of what critic Gene Youngblood dubbed "Expanded Cinema."


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    24.95 USD


  • This Is All Film! Experimental Film in Yugoslavia 1951-1991

    Foreword: Zdenka Badovinac; Preface: Bojana Piškur, Ana Janevski, Jurij Meden, Stevan Vuković; A Brief Introduction to Slovenian Experimental Film: Jurij Meden, Bojana Piškur; Notes on Paradigms in Experimental Film in Socialist Yugoslavia: Stevan Vuković


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    25.00 EUR


  • Subversion: The Definitive History of Underground Cinema

    Over the last decade there has been a phenomenal international resurgence of interest and activity in the field of Underground film and video. In Britain and North America there has been a new wave of highly influential Underground, Microcinema and Protes


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    16.99 GBP


  • The Black Hole of the Camera: The Films of Andy Warhol

    Andy Warhol, one of the twentieth century's major visual artists, was a prolific filmmaker who made hundreds of films, many of them--Sleep, Empire, Blow Job, The Chelsea Girls, and Blue Movie--seminal but misunderstood contributions to the history of American cinema. In the first comprehensive study of Warhol's films, J.J. Murphy provides a detailed survey and analysis. He discusses Warhol's early films, sound portraits, involvement with multimedia (including The Velvet Underground), and sexploitation films, as well as the more commercial works he produced for Paul Morrissey in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Murphy's close readings of the films illuminate Warhol's brilliant collaborations with writers, performers, other artists, and filmmakers. The book further demonstrates how Warhol's use of the camera transformed the events being filmed and how his own unique brand of psychodrama created dramatic tension within the works.


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    29.95 USD


  • Glorious Catastrophe: Jack Smith, Performance and Visual Culture

    Glorious catastrophe presents a detailed critical analysis of the work of Jack Smith from the early 1960s until his AIDS-related death in 1989. Dominic Johnson argues that Smith's work offers critical strategies for rethinking art's histories after 1960. Heralded by peers as well as later generations of artists, Smith is an icon of the New York avant-garde. Nevertheless, he is conspicuously absent from dominant histories of American culture in the 1960s, as well as from narratives of the impact that decade would have on coming years.


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    60 GBP


  • Morgan Fisher. Writings

    Sabine Folie and Susanne Titz, edited for the Generali Foundation, Vienna and Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach 2012.

    With introductions by Sabine Folie and Susanne Titz


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    29 EUR


  • Józef Robakowski - My Own Cinema

    Józef Robakowski. My Own Cinema is a new publication portraying a precursor of the film neo-avant-garde and the co-creator of the video art scene in Poland. An artist whose image combines that of an experimenter and media analyst with those of an anarchistic neo-Dadaist and self-declared nihilist; heir to the traditions of the avant-garde, enthusiast for cultural peripheries, valued teacher, and indefatigable opponent of institutional hierarchies.


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    123 PLN


  • Moving shadows: experimental film practices in a landscape of change

    “Moving Shadows: Experimental Film Practices in a Landscape of Change is a wide-ranging and accessible introduction to contemporary artisanal film practice, capturing a moment when, in the face of new digital technologies, experimental filmmakers see themselves as [what van Ingen calls] “lo-fi analogue” artists.


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    30 EUR


  • A Relational [Video] Grammar: Extrapolation

    A relational [video] grammar: extrapolation is an editing experiment that uses drawing and the addition/reconfiguration/obliteration of text to examine speech generated during the making of direct address to camera, within a context of artists’ film and video. a relational [video] grammar: extrapolation tests the conceptual relationships between linguistic and technological editing processes.


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    12,49 GBP



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