Rrose Present - Horizon of Meaning (2019)


Promedio: 3.5 (33 votos)

Rrose Present reinterprets Daniel Barnett's film looking for a linguistic / experimental relationship between-his-images

HORIZON OF MEANING,Rrose Present, 2019
"Horizon of Meaning" is a reinterpretation of the film "Science Without Substance" by Daniel Barnett, also author of the book "Movement in Meaning in Experimental Cinema". Looking for a linguistic / experimental relationship between-his-images.

In this I worked about the idea of interpretations to works of art, that although we would not access its literal meaning (lost in time) it can be intuit as "horizon of meaning." And it is this intuition that illuminated this dialogical movement with Science Withot Substance.
Working in illuminated time allowed me to understand something that it escapes to the words.

"Rrose Present managed to distill and capture the very essence of my hour and a half long film in 4 minutes! That astounded me. 

A part of my life's been given over to the development of cinema as a set of new language forms. Dialogue is how this happens. Ways to facilitate  dialogue of this sort are tools to build our common future. Many thanks are owed to Rrose for launching this international dialogue." - db"

Transparent images: re-shooting and compression of the film "Science Without Substance" by Dan Barnett
Sound: Direct sound of shooting "horzonte de sentido" and temporary compression of the sound from "Science Without Substance" by Dan Barnett
Idea & Edition: Rrose Present, 2019

Horizon of Meaning (Rrose Present, 2019)



Imagen de Lourdes

Cortos Roser

Es molt interant el que fàs, m’ha semblat molt impactant, i psicodèlic

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