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2nd Xenia Film Festival

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Important note: Please submit films that are relevant to the concept of Hospitality.

HOSPITALITY as a filmic space (second edition)

Xenia Open Air Film Festival is an international event that celebrates the concept and practice of Hospitality, which has been an integral part of many cultures since ancient times. Stories about Hospitality often revolve around a mutual exchange between hosts and guests, and globally, this tradition has connected culture and united humans, irrespective of social status, race, or religion. Today, Hospitality seems even more relevant, a beautiful and mutually beneficial exchange that fosters a ripple effect of sharing, support, and inclusion. It is passed down through generations and has been essential to human interaction for centuries. Connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds often forge alliances and meaningful connections that transcend borders. In a world where humans are becoming increasingly isolated, Hospitality may be a practice that can help embrace otherness and celebrate diversity. By warmly welcoming others, we can build a more inclusive and connected society where people from all walks of life feel valued and appreciated.

In noticing ideas and the aesthetics of Hospitality often as a central role in many films, and in seeing that the every day nowadays is frequently understood and experienced cinematic-like, this is an OPEN CALL for artists working with film/video/animation/moving image that centres on works exploring notions of Hospitality and the place, the stage, where Hospitality takes place.

Please be aware that the Xenia Festival is an autonomous festival managed by volunteers. Our intention is to attract people from all walks of life, creating a community that brings together movie fans and supporters, as we think that promoting the work of aspiring filmmakers is a vital way to foster the growth and development of film culture. The vision has always been to offer a platform not only for filmmakers to showcase their work but also to foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for a diverse audience to appreciate.

To submit please go to: https://filmfreeway.com/XeniaFestival-1

Fecha límite: 

Viernes, Mayo 31, 2024 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Jueves, Julio 25, 2024 (Todo el día) hasta Sábado, Julio 27, 2024 (Todo el día)

Submission fees: 

Se cobran tasas de convocatoria

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