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Open Call! AVAF edition 5

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Promedio: 5 (1 voto)

Theme: (Re) Cover Story

Daily front pages across platforms circulate crisis, desperation and disasters, fueling division and despair. Our focus fragmented, analysis paralyzed, we struggle to discern urgent news from narratives designed to mask them. War, post-pandemic economic doom, scarcity, conflicts, inflation, deficit, unregulated AI, climate apocalypse, displacement and new wars broadcast a hopeless reading of our times. 

Within these turbulent currents, can art recover our stories and be a healing device to envision possibilities, will, and connectedness? What potential does video art hold to reframe these realities?  Addis Video Art Festival seeks works that examine these current conditions and related topics with open artistic input.

Regulation and Guidelines
- Open to national and international artists
- Submission deadline August 1, 2024
- Free Submission
- Single-channel videos only
- Works must be created within the past 3 years
- If the work uses a language other than English, it must be subtitled in English
- Maximum duration 15 minutes
- Up to two works may be submitted per artist/ requiring a separate entry form per submission
- Selected artists will be notified by September 1st at which point a screening copy will be requested

Entry link: HERE

Contact Email: [email protected] 

w . w . w . a d d i s v i d e o a r t f e s t i v a l . n e t

Fecha límite: 

Jueves, Agosto 1, 2024 (Todo el día)

Fechas de exhibición: 

De Sábado, Diciembre 28, 2024 (Todo el día) hasta Miércoles, Enero 1, 2025 (Todo el día)

Submission fees: 

Convocatoria gratuita

Email de contacto: 

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