Mara Mattuschka & Chris Haring - Burning Down the Palace


Promedio: 3 (2 votos)

All of these work deal somewhat with a fake factor. Part Time Heroes handles the star concept, in a larger than life way; Running Sushi refers to comics and manga. Burning Palace, on the other hand, is based on The Art of Seduction. (...) For the human body to remain interesting, one must constantly put it in a different light or in another context. One has to look at the body sideways. With this, one achieves a large choreographic change in perspective, because everything is altered. In another context, one also experiences the body in a new way, already because you view it differently.

All of these work deal somewhat with a fake factor. Part Time Heroes handles the star concept, in a larger than life way; Running Sushi refers to comics and manga. Burning Palace, on the other hand, is based on The Art of Seduction. (...) For the human body to remain interesting, one must constantly put it in a different light or in another context. One has to look at the body sideways. With this, one achieves a large choreographic change in perspective, because everything is altered. In another context, one also experiences the body in a new way, already because you view it differently.
(Chris Haring)

Burning Palace turned out to be a melancholy film. Here, I introduced five people who are in a show at a bar, who live in this hotel and have very different relationships with one another. After the show - they are already sleeping - they are woken by Pan for the night and therefore wake up to the destruction that is held within them. This often has a sexual origin or it´s mixed in together.
(Mara Mattuschka)

These films are based on choreographic works by LIQUID LOFT.

- Part time heroes, 33 min
- Running sushi, 28 min
- Burning palace, 32 min,
Bonus track: Burning down the palace The Making of, 5 min

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28.80 EUR



Index DVD

Fecha de publicación: 

Martes, Diciembre 13, 2011












Ratio de aspecto: 




