Magasinet Walden: Mary Helena Clark

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Magasinet Walden presents a screening dedicated to the work of Mary Helena Clark. Born in 1983, for 10 years she has produced a wealth of substantial works. Her films are characterized by an unusual dualistic approach where a rigorous formalist work, which spins further on the structuralist film's ideas and practices, combines with an interest in magic and illusionism. We show Clark's overall filmography, together with Robert Breer's Breathing (1963) and Blake Williams' Something Horizontal (2015), two films that Clark has chosen to include in the programme.

- After writing (2007, 16 mm)
- And the sun flowers (2008, video)
- Sound over water (2009, 16 mm)
- By foot-candle light (2011, video)
- The Plant (2012, video)
- Orpheus (outtakes) (2013, 16 mm)
- The dragon is the frame (2014, 16 mm)
- Palms (2015, video)
- Breathing (Robert Breer, 1963, 16 mm)
- Something Horizontal (Blake Williams, 2015, video)

Entrance: 50 kr


Swedish Film Institute - Stockholm, Suecia


De Miércoles, Diciembre 2, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Diciembre 3, 2015 - 18:55



De Miércoles, Diciembre 2, 2015 - 19:00 hasta Jueves, Diciembre 3, 2015 - 18:55
  • Borgvägen 1-5
    115 53   Stockholm
    Teléfono: +46 8 665 11 00
    59° 20' 24.1872" N, 18° 6' 9.126" E