french researcher, sound artist and designer willing to take part to projects

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Imagen de coralie diatkine


I am a french researcher, sound artist and designer, with various interests but a specific focus on electronic music and spatial audio. I am willing to collaborate with film directors who are interested in experimenting with sound at a different level than  what is generally defined as music for films or movies sound tracks. A lot of my work is targetted towards rendering sound in 3 dimensions and allow the audience to listen to it with headphones, or speaker array. My research aims to master various spatial audio techniques, compose for space using psychoacoustics and design sounds so that they integrate and generate space. Additionnally, I am also involved in more traditionnal approaches of sounds, including electroacoustics, performance as a sax player, orchestration, interaction and sound to image. More recently I also started using visual programming tools like Processing that also allow interacting in sound.

Feel free to look at my web page and contact me if you have any projects you'd like to share. 


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