Oskar Fischinger - Volume 2


Promedio: 1 (1 voto)

A wide range of abstract films from the master of the genre, from advertisements for Muratti cigarettes and Muntz televisions to fragments of animated experiments. Notice: this title is out of print; please refer to Oskar Fischinger - Ten Films

Notice: this title is out of print; please refer to Oskar Fischinger - Ten Films

A wide range of abstract films from the master of the genre, from advertisements for Muratti cigarettes and Muntz televisions to fragments of animated experiments.


- Muratti Privat 1935 b/w 2’
- Wax Experiments 1921-1926 color silent 9’
- München-Berlin Wanderung 1927 b/w silent 5’
- Study 5 1930 b/w 3’
- Study 9 1931 b/w 3’
- Study 12 1932 b/w 5’
- Komposition in Blau 1935 color 4’
- American March 1941 color 3’
- Organic Fragment 1941 color silent 1’
- Mutoscope Reels 1945 b/w silent 2’

"Oskar Fischinger was the champion of absolute ideas in abstract experimental film. He left Germany in 1936 at the invitation of Paramount and went to Hollywood, where he was the initial inspiration for Walt Disney’s Fantasia, and where he continued to work in the abstract field both in painting and filmmaking until his death in 1967. Fischinger alone, of the many who had used the form, continued solely to produce abstractions on film, to the point where his name became identified with the form. Volume II offers a fascinating overview of his career, from his first film in the early 1920s, the exotic and serene Wax Experiments (created by slicing away prepared blocks of wax, with color tints added), to one of his last films, the 1950s Muntz TV Commercial, painted in black-and-white as a television ad. The dazzling color films Composition in Blue (1935) and American March (1941) are seen here in newly-restored prints that capture the vivid colors of the originals better than any previously available version. The brief unfinished fragments of films from the early 1940s provide a glimpse of what further glories Fischinger might have supplied if he had encountered better support for his filmmaking in America." - William Moritz

This edition of Oskar Fischinger’s films was curated by Elfriede Fischinger and William Moritz and includes a booklet by W. Moritz.

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27.00 EUR




Fecha de publicación: 

Martes, Marzo 26, 2002










Color y B&N