Stan Brakhage - Anticipation of the Night


Promedio: 3.3 (3 votos)

\"This film splendidly develops the main traits of Brakhage‚\' s films: no hero, visual sensuality, fluidity of movement and montage, a passion for color.\"16mm 1958 color 39‚'  silent

" Brakhage‚' s lyrical films treat light as a liquid rather than a solid substance, and celebrate it in all its variety.‚" - Fred Camper
" The moving shadow of a man in the light of day reminds us of glimmers in the night. A pink ball, held in a hand, reflects a light similar to both sun and moon. The frame of a door giving out onto trees prefigures twilight opening onto the night.‚" - Stan Brakhage, 1961
" This film marks a new rhetoric of camera movement and montage. The protagonist, like the spectator, is a voyeur, and his possible suicide is the result of his incapacity to share in a child‚' s untutored perception.‚" - P. Adams Sitney
" This film splendidly develops the main traits of Brakhage‚' s films: no hero, visual sensuality, fluidity of movement and montage, a passion for color.‚" - Dominique Noguez
" Moonplay, nightwriting.‚" - Marie Menken

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27.00 EUR




Fecha de publicación: 

Lunes, Diciembre 31, 2007





