The Starlight Dynamic Video Mix Tape


Promedio: 3 (2 votos)

Like a drive through the country or a love song that never ends, the Starlight Dynamic gives us what we really need. From the expansive insights of Bill Brown or Gerard Holthuis to the warm fuzzy of Naomi Uman or Jim Trainor to the gut busting antics of Bryan Boyce or Animal Charm, the Starlight Dynamic is roadtrip with a good friend and the sound of dry leaves crunching under your feet.

Like a drive through the country or a love song that never ends, the Starlight Dynamic gives us what we really need. From the expansive insights of Bill Brown or Gerard Holthuis to the warm fuzzy of Naomi Uman or Jim Trainor to the gut busting antics of Bryan Boyce or Animal Charm, the Starlight Dynamic is roadtrip with a good friend and the sound of dry leaves crunching under your feet.

Titles Include: Private Movie by Naomi Uman, Election Collectibles by Bryan Boyce, Bill Brown’s Confederation Park, The Moschops by Jim Trainor, Gerard Holthuis’ City at Night (AMS), The Vanishing Point by The Distance Formula, Animal Charm’s Mark Roth, and Knuckle Down by Sarah Marcus and Kate Hardy.

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