CultureHub Re-Fest 2024 Open Call

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Seeking video art BY artists FROM every country ON EARTH

CultureHub seeks audio/visual submissions by creators from as many countries/cultures as possible. CultureHub will stitch together the submissions to create a multi-day livestream of short video art pieces that will be interrupted by live segments from international producers.

The theme of Re–Fest 2024 is Re-Source which asks the question: how do we open source Re–Fest so that artists and audiences can participate from anywhere in the world?

Audio/Visual pieces can respond to the theme and the following questions: How we engage with the resources available to us, especially as they become increasingly limited which can cause division and social tension. What resources are being undervalued? How can we frame qualities like truth and kindness as resources? How do we as artists, technologists, activists, and scientists acquire and distribute social capital—the value of our relationships—in an equitable way? How can we forge unlikely partnerships across different fields to create new resources for our community?


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 (All day)

Submission fees: 

Free submissions

Contact Email: 

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