Elements of painting

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This session of experimental films will try to describe various aspects of the relationship between cinema and painting: we will see works by artists continuing their pictorial research through the moving image, tributes and quotes, and more, in a converging path on abstraction and matterism, exploring the plasticity and the unveiling of the constituting elements of cinematic representation.

- Ex (Jacques Monory, 1968, 5')
- Homage to Magritte (Anita Thatcher, 1974, 10')
- Point de fuite (Jacques Curty, 1980, 25')
- Circles of Confusion (Bill Brand, 1973, 15')
- Arctic Desire (Bruce Wood, 1976, 7')
- Imag’in the sea (Guy Trier, 1979, 6')
- Libres (Jacques Perconte, 2012, 4')
- There is no G.O.D. without R.G.B. (Clint Enns, 2008, 28'')
- Persian Series 1-5 (Stan Brakhage, 2000, 16')

Programming: Boris Monneau

All films are from the catalogue of Collectif Jeune Cinema


Institut Francilien d'Ingénierie - Noisy-le-Grand, France


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 19:00 to Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 18:55



Gut TRIER's picture

ATTENTION: mon NOM = TRIER (d'origne Allemende) est mal traduit.

Mon NOM = TRIER ( Guy ), d'origine Allemande (comme: Lars Von TRIER), à partir d'un texte écrit en ANGLAIS est SYSTEMATIQUEMENT traduit par: TREVES (en l'occurence: Guy TREVES ! ! ).

TREVES, étant, aussi une ville ALLEMANDE ( à la frontière Fraçaise)...nommée soit : TREVES où bien : TRIER (CQFD ! ! ).

MERCI DE BIEN VOULOIR RECTIFIER. Cordiales salutations. Guy TRIER ( Guy G. TRIER ).

Marcos Ortega's picture

If I am not mistaken

Hello, Guy

If I am not mistaken, your name is exactly as you say in the post: "Guy Trier".


Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 19:00 to Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 18:55
  • 2 allée du promontoire
    93160   Noisy-le-Grand
    48° 50' 29.3028" N, 2° 34' 27.9048" E