Ken Jacobs - Let There Be Whistleblowers & Ontic Antics Starring


Promedio: 4.3 (3 votos)

Originally a Nervous System work (presented live using a special film-projection contrivance that wife Flo and I would set up). The 1929 Laurel and Hardy short Berth Marks, filmed twice, with and without sound, is our glorious take-off point. In some ways- Let There Be Whistleblowers (18 min.)
The original film, Sarnia Tunnel, 1903, is in the Library of Congress. In 1996 I used it to create the Nervous System performance work, Loco Motion, (25 min). Steve Reich's music brought about an entirely different development.

- Ontic Antics Starring Laurel And Hardy; Bye Molly (88 min.)
Originally a Nervous System work (presented live using a special film-projection contrivance that wife Flo and I would set up). The 1929 Laurel and Hardy short Berth Marks, filmed twice, with and without sound, is our glorious take-off point. In some ways ONTIC ANTICS now goes beyond what had been possible in live performance, especially the new (purely-digital) 3-D coda. The foot-stool that becomes a live puppy, however, is no computer effect but comes from rapid juxtaposition of opposing left-right frames, just as in the live performance.
Hardy walked a thin line between playing heavy and playing fatty. Laurel adopted a retarded squint, with suggestions of idiot savant. Their characters were at sea, clinging to each other as industrial capitalism was breaking up and sinking. Beautiful losers, they kept it funny, buoying our spirits. Laurel and Hardy... forever.
-Ken Jacobs

Warning: Flicker is used to achieve the movie's 3-D effects - may be dangerous for persons afflicted with epilepsy or other similar brain conditions.

Special note for customers who purchase Ontic Antics: For the last 15 minutes, Ontic Antics can be visually enhanced by the use of a gray Pulfrich filter in front of one of the viewer's eyes. An inch of plastic absorbing some of the light, it can deepen apparent depth and change direction of movement.

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30.00 USD



Ken Jacobs

Fecha de publicación: 

Jueves, Julio 22, 2010











Ratio de aspecto: 




