Ken Jacobs - Tom Tom The Piper's Son


Promedio: 2 (1 voto)

Rephotographing a 1905 Biograph one-reeler, Jacobs penetrates ever deeper into the image, delving into the shot, zooming in on details, probing and probing.Jacobs reveals film as a Frankenstein art. What is a movie but a celluloid corpse brought to life by the electrical spark of the projector? Rephotographing a 1905 Biograph one-reeler, Jacobs penetrates into the image, delving into each shot, zooming in on details, probing deeper and deeper... A journey into the abyss."
- David Schwartz

"Ghosts! Cine-recordings of the vivacious doings of persons long dead... I wanted to 'bring to the surface' that multi-rhythmic collision-contesting of dark and light two-dimensional force areas struggling edge to edge for identity of shape... to get into the amoebic grain pattern itself - a chemical dispersion pattern unique to each frame, each cold still... stirred to life by a successive 16-24 frame-per-second pattering on our retinas, the teeming energies elicited (the grains! the grains!) then collaborating, unknowingly and ironically, to form the always-poignant-because-always-past illusion.
A movie about penetration to the sublime, to the infinite...."
- Ken Jacobs

Boxed set containing the 2-hour film and a 214-page bilingual book, a special "Tom Tom" issue of Exploding, the French magazine of analysis in film experimentation. Articles by Xavier Baert, Nicole Brenez, Frédérique Devaux, Vincent Deville, Ken Jacobs, Emeric de Lastens, Loïg Le Bihan, Stéfani de Loppinot, Christophe Passemard, Emmanuel Siety.

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40.00 EUR




Fecha de publicación: 

Lunes, Diciembre 31, 2007







